Organizing Solutions for People with ADD

Tips and Tools to Help You Take Charge of Your Life and Get Organized
Organizing Solutions for People with Attention Deficit Disorder presents a simple but effective, long-term solution to get you back in control of your life. Professional organizer Susan C. Pinsky outlines a simple, ADD friendly organizing approach that emphasizes easy upkeep and maximum efficiency, catering to the specific needs of the ADD population. Pinsky offers practical solutions to the most common organizing dilemmas while drawing on her own personal experiences as the mother of an ADD child.
ISBN: 9781592332342
Price: $19.95
Color photos, useful tips, anecdotes, and bulleted lists make this a quick and
manageable read and a practical home reference guide.
Armed with this unique, step-by-step approach to organizing, family members who live with someone with ADD will feel hopeful knowing that change is truly possible. More important, those who struggle with the symptoms of ADD will be given the tools and the knowledge they need to eliminate stress from their homes and lead happier, healthier, more organized lives.
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Susan C. Pinsky is the author of the best-selling The Fast and Furious 5 Step Organizing Solution. She is a top professional organizer who has lectured on television and radio stations around the country and is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers. Pinsky is also the owner of “Organizationally Yours,” a professional organizing service based in Acton, MA.
To contact: [email protected] or call (978) 264-0252.